Friday, January 11, 2008

Today's Nonprofit Wonder - Giving Back

As a nonprofit organization, you are always keeping an ear out for potential funding sources. That's a good thing. Once you find those sources, though, what can you do to raise your organization's profile to ensure a better crack at that funding?

One thing you can do is give back to your community. You've probably noticed how the business sector has jumped on the philanthropy train lately. Everything from a percentage of your credit card purchases going to your favorite charity to huge sponsorships of nonprofit events. And of course, there is plenty of marketing to go along with those good deeds...for a very good reason. Giving back is a much appreciated gesture and is looked upon very favorably.

Nonprofits need to give back, too. As the foundation of every communities support system, nonprofits are in the perfect position to not only give back, but to identify the areas where that philanthropy is most needed. Giving back doesn't always equate to donating money - time and talent go a long way. Set up a volunteer committee at your organization and set aside time each month to help out. Look for neighborhood events that your group can contact to assist. Seek out other organizations that share a similar mission and provide some assistance.

And don't forget those press releases! Whenever your organization does something - philanthropioc or otherwise - make sure you let the world know you are out there. It not only raises your profile but it alerts those in need that you are out there for them.

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