There are plenty of ways nonprofits can market themselves and there are plenty of reasons why nonprofits should market themselves:
- to increase their visability for constituents
- to increase their visability to the larger community
- to increase their revenues
- to tell their story!
Why do you want people to know about your organization?
If you haven't determined why anyone needs to know about your group, then any marketing plan will fall flat on its face. Do you want people to know about you so they can receive services? Do you want them to donate to the organization? Be clear on this before you start piecing together a marketing strategy.
Now that you know why, decide who.
If you want to increase your opportunities for revenue, you're marketing to donors. What would make them give? What would they respond to? Look at similar organizations out there and see who is donating, what type of people seem to be interested in supporting your type of services? Look at your board members - they volunteer because they are passionate about your cause...probably a similar emotional connection you will find with other donors.
What kind of marketing?
What do other organizations out there do? What has caught your eye (and your heart) with other marketing campaigns? You don't need to reinvent the wheel, but you do need to infuse your plan with your organization's own flavor and feel.
But how?
So many avenues here! Think about your budget - big or small? Mailings, brochures, public service announcements, manning tables at conferences, producing videos, getting on the speakers circuit at community service organizations, commercials, articles, special events. It's pretty much limitless -but make sure you select options that are appropriate for your group and its mission.
There are TONS of resources out there about marketing. Even marketing for nonprofits! If you're on a tight budget, consider contacting a local college or university and arranging for a marketing student intern - invaluable!
Now, go tell your story!
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