Saturday, February 9, 2008

Today's Nonprofit Wonder - Training

We all could use a little help, right?

There are many, many training groups out there, providing valuable information for the uninformed or the merely rusty. But many of those come at quite the cost. As a nonprofit, your organization may not have the resources to send your employees to all the trainings that would be beneficial.

Take a look around your community - there are probably many training opportunities that are inexpensive if not out right free. Contact your United Way for a list of links. Get in touch with any universities in the area - they often provide low cost trainings for nonprofit staff. Some schools have entire departments devoted to nonprofit management!

And, of course, check the resource list on this blog - many of these groups can either provide trainings at reasonable costs or get you in touch with groups that can.

So, get out there and fill your brain with all that good stuff!

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