Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Today's Nonprofit Wonder - Value Your Board

Do you work for a nonprofit organization? Do you know the members of the Board of Directors or Board of Trustees? Does it matter? Yes!

Your Board has the financial and legal responsibility for your organization. They must oversee the finances and ensure the stability of the business. They determine the mission, focus, vision and direction of the nonprofit. You may not see them around on a daily basis, but they are the final decision makers. They donate TONS of time to support the organization - there is generally no monetary compensation...especially in the small nonprofits.

So, if you happen to see a Board Member - say "Thanks for all your hard work!" Offer to provide any information they need to get to know your programs better. The more they know about what happens with your services, the better equipped they are to manage the organizational strategic plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just an observation - some boards are more available than others. Some don't even understand their true purpose.